Simple. Thougtful. Elegant.

We combine sound engineering judgement with thoughtful design practices in order to bring your ideas to life.


  • Comprehensive evaluations and strategic planning sessions that lay the groundwork for successful project outcomes, ensuring all design considerations are explored from the outset.

  • Precise capture of existing conditions using state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology, facilitating accurate planning and documentation for any project phase.

  • Thoughtful arrangement and development of layouts and overall building geometries, as well as the material assemblies required to achieve them.

  • Expert guidance on the best and most cost efficient materials, shapes, and framing configurations required in order to execute the design intent of any project.

  • In-depth analysis of structural integrity and condition, delivering detailed reports that guide decision-making for maintenance, renovation, or new construction.

  • Expert support in the creation of construction documents and navigation of permitting processes, ensuring compliance with all regulations and a smooth project progression.

  • Detailed drawings produced with precision to support manufacturing and construction processes, ensuring accurate implementation of design specifications on-site.

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Schedule a free 30 minute consultation with one of our licensed design professionals.

Our Work

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